Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual
Page 45

Erasing individual messages
You can erase an individual text message or nu m e ric page
after rev i ewing it.
To erase a text or nu m e ric page :
1 . P ress
to display the Messages menu .
2 . P ress
for Page / Tex t .
3 . Use the navigation keys to scroll to the message yo u
want to era s e .
4 . When the message is highlighted, p ress
. The mes-
s age header and body will display.
5 . P ress
for more options.
6 . P ress
to erase the message or
to re t u rn to
the Messages menu .
Erasing all Page/Text or Wireless Web messages
You can erase all tex t / nu m e ric page messages or all
Wi reless Web message s .
To erase all Page / Text messages or all MiniBrowser message s :
1 . P ress
to display the Messages menu .
2 . P ress
for Era s e .
3 . P ress
for Page / Text or
for Brow s e r M s g .
4 . A confi rmation display s .P ress
to erase all mes-
s ages or
to re t u rn to the previous scre e n .
Message ringing
Your Samsung PCS Phone allows you to set a unique ri n g
type for each type of incoming message : vo i c e m a i l ,Wi re l e s s
We b ,t ext or nu m e ric page (see “ R i n ger type setting fo r
m e s s age calls”on page 51).
Message options
The Messages menu provides a number of options while
you are rev i ewing text message s .You can re t u rn a call to
the phone number in the message ,s ave or erase the mes-
s age ,s c roll to the next or previous message , or ex t ract a
phone number that is included in the message .
1 . While rev i ewing a message ,p ress
for options:
P ress
for Talk (to call the phone nu m b e r ) .
P ress
to Save the number (if there is no Intern a l
Phone Book match ) .
P ress
to Erase the message .
P ress
to rev i ew the Next message .
P ress
to rev i ew the Previous message .
P ress
to ex t ract a phone number that wa s
i n cluded by the sender of the message . If more than
one number was included by the sender then a list of
the nu m b e rs is presented to yo u ,and you can ex t ra c t
the one you wa n t .
2 . P ress
to re t u rn to the previous scre e n .
N o t e : If the message you are rev i ewing contains a phone
number that is alre a dy stored in the Internal Phone Book:
the Save option does not display, and the ava i l abl e
m e nu options will be:(1) Ta l k , (2) Era s e , (3) Next Msg,
(4) Previous Msg.
the message sender’s name appears as stored in the
I n t e rnal Phone Book.
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