Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual
Page 10

1 9 . S p e a k e r : S p e a ker for listening to
c o nve rs a t i o n s .Also fo r :
Voice messages and pro m p t s .
2 0 . A n t e n n a : Fi xed length for conve-
nience and maximum cl a ri t y.
1 7 . MENU Key: When in Standby or
Talk mode, p ress this key to access
m e nu items, and continue pre s s i n g
it to scroll through menu items.
When you re a ch the menu item
you wa n t ,p ress
. S eve ra l
other menus can be accessed by
p ressing this key (see “ M e nu s ”o n
p age 111).
1 8 . Navigation Key:This key allow
you to scroll when viewing menu s ,
the Wi reless Web Brow s e r, I n t e rn a l
Phone Book, e t c . and to move the
c u rsor when editing any option.
A l s o , this key has a one-touch spe-
cial function that it perfo rm s :
In Standby or Talk mode, p ress this
key to view your Internal Phone
Book (in alphabetical ord e r ) .
When entering tex t , this key
selects capital letters ,l ower case
l e t t e rs or initial capital letters .
SCH-6100(Eng) 8/17/00 4:24 AM Page 16
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