Sun Microsystems FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 816-0830-12 User Manual
Page 82

Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Installation and Configuration Guide • October 2001
To Connect the Cables to a Sun StorEdge A5200
If the existing power cords are too short, replace them with the Y cable.
1. Power off the system.
For instructions about powering off the Sun StorEdge A5200 Array, refer to the
documentation that came with the array.
2. Remove the lower vented side panel from the right side.
3. Working from the back, push the lowest Sun StorEdge A5200 array about eight
inches toward the front of the cabinet.
This provides access to the cables.
4. Disconnect the power cord from the J8 port on both sequencers.
for J8 location.
5. Connect the Y cable to the J8 port on both sequencers.
6. Replace the side vent panel.
7. From the front, push the lowest Sun StorEdge A5200 array back into place.
8. Connect one end of the left Y cable to the lowest switch. Connect the other end to
the next switch.
If there are four switches, connect one end of the right Y cable to the third switch.
Connect the other end of the Y cable to the highest switch.
9. From the back of the cabinet, follow the route of the existing cables to the sides
and up the rear of the cabinet, to the level of the switches.
The Y cable on the back sequencer routes up the right side. The Y cable on the front
sequencer routes up the left side. Use tie wraps as necessary to secure the cables.
To Connect the Cables to a Sun StorEdge
A3500FC Array
When you have the switch(es), vent, and filler panels in place, you must connect and
route the cables. If the existing power cords are too short, replace them with the Y
cable before performing this procedure.