JAI VIS-CAM System TS-1327EN User Manual

Page 101

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Appendix E: Moxa N Port 5232 Configuration


VIS-CAM System

Serial port 1 settings:

Port alias:

D1 – enter desired name of this specific serial port.

Baud rate:

9600 – specify the desired baud rate of the serial port – the TLS200 light
sensor requires 9600 as standard.

Data bits:

8 – specify the desired size of the data bits used - the TLS200 light
sensor requires 8 as standard.

Stop bits:

2 – Specify the desired size of the stop bits used - the TLS200 light sensor
requires 2 as standard.


None – feature not used in communication with the light sensor.

Flow control:

None - feature not used in communication with the light sensor.


Enable - the TLS200 light sensor requires FIFO as standard.


RS-485 2wire – the communication with the TLS-300 light sensor is

standard 2-wire RS-485.

Enable – apply the above settings to all serial ports – rename port 2 port alias to D0.

Figure 89. Standard configuration of Serial settings for port 1:

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