Master v-pot, Cue level and cue pan 1 and 2, Aux buttons 1–8 – MACKIE Digital 8Bus D8B v5.1 User Manual

Page 54: Digital trim, Tracking level, Meters, Write, Select, Master insert l/r

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D8B Manual • Chapter 3 • page 48


• Functional as a master Aux level
control when any of the Auxes are
selected in the Master Strip.
• When the PAN icon is highlighted, the
Master V-Pot functions as a front/rear
pan position control for any selected
channel in all Surround Modes (not
• The Master V-Pot SOLO button solos
any selected Aux bus.

CUE LEVEL and CUE PAN 1 and 2

• These buttons activate the channel
V-Pots for level adjustments and L-R
panning for Auxes 9/10 and 11/12.
• Selecting CUE LEVEL 1 or 2 activates
the channel V-Pots for individual stereo
send levels and the Master V-Pot for the
selected cue master volume/level.
• Selecting CUE PAN 1 or 2 activates the
channel pan V-Pots for L/R placement.
• Click-drag the channel V-Pot up to
move right; click-drag down to move left.
• Control-click any channel V-Pot to set it
to center position (in PAN) or to unity
(for LEVEL).
• Right-click a channel V-Pot and drag
across several channels to copy its level
or pan to each.

AUX buttons 1–8

• Each button activates the channel V-
Pots for Aux send level adjustment.
• When any AUX button is highlighted in
the Master Strip, the Master V-Pot is
activated to control Master Aux output
• Click on the channel V-Pot and drag up
to increase level; drag down to decrease
• Control-click on the channel V-Pot to
set it to unity gain.
• Right-click a channel V-Pot and drag
across several channels to copy its level
to each.


• This button activates the channel V-Pot
to control the digital input level—pre
• Click on the channel V-Pot and drag up
to increase level; drag down to decrease
• Control-click on the channel V-Pot to
set it to unity gain.
• Right-click a channel V-Pot and drag
across several channels to copy its level
to each.


• This button activates the channel V-Pots to adjust

final post-DSP output level to the multitrack outputs.

• Same control as the onboard LEVEL TO TAPE.
• This control fine tunes the channel output levels

to the multitrack.

• Click on the channel V-Pot and drag

up to increase level; drag down to
decrease level.

• Control-click on the channel V-Pot to

set it to unity gain.

• Right-click a channel V-Pot and drag

across several channels to copy its
level to each.

• When Faders to Tape is selected, the

tracking source channel’s fader and
Tracking Level V-Pot are equivalent


• The BOT (bottom) button displays the

channel meters next to the faders in
the faders view.

• The TOP button displays the meters

in a larger view, overlaid across the
Aux section.

• With both BOT and TOP buttons off,

no metering is displayed.


• Activates the Master Strip to record

selected automation data by the Main
Fader or Aux Masters.

• Any moves in the Master Strip will be

recorded into automation if the auto-
mation settings are set to receive them.


• Activates the Master Fader in the Fat

Channel display.

• Enables the Master Fader and Aux

Masters status to be included in the
“Set Default Levels…” prompt or in
the clipboard operations.


• Allows any plug-in to be patched into

the main mix outputs.

• Simply choose the desired plug-ins

from the list that pops up when
mouse-clicking the INSERT icon.

• This is a post-master-fader insert.