GE GFK-2489 User Manual
Page 60

Chapter 3 AP Management 3-27
Baud Rate
—Set the data rate (payload) for the COM port in bits per second. [1200–
115200; 19200]
Byte Format
—Set the interface signaling parameters: baud rate (see Baud Rate above
for allowable range), data bits, parity, and stop bits. [7N1, 7E1, 7O1, 8N1, 8E1, 8O1; 8N1]
Buffer Size
—Select the appropriate value for the buffer size for each serial message. The
maximum AP buffer size for incoming serial data is 256 bytes. Incoming serial packets
(from the RTU) larger than 256 bytes are split by the AP into 256 byte packets before
being transmitted over the air. The associated remote(s) on receiving these packets
transmit them out of the serial port as separate packets. This parameter does not affect
serial data/packets received by the AP (from remotes) over the air and transmitted out of
the local AP serial port. [32, 64, 128, 256 bytes; 64]
Inter-Packet Delay
—Set the number of characters that signify the end of a message
(inter-character time-out). A transceiver receiving data through the serial port sends an
end-of-message signal to the remote end. MODBUS¤ defines a “3.5-character”
parameter. [0–65535; 4]
Commit Changes and Exit Wizard
—Implements the settings shown on the screen and
closes the Serial Configuration Wizard.