BNC 7000 Series User Manual User Manual

Page 25

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Figure 8 “More” Configuration Menu allows choosing reference source

After clicking on the Measure button, the phase noise measurement is started. A couple of

calibration steps are automatically performed and phase noise data is acquired from SERIES

7000. In the Measurement tab of the plot window the red trace shows the intermediate result as

shown in Figure 8.

Once the measurement is completed, the GUI returns into idle state. During the idle state, the

“beat” signal of the two measurement channels can be observed in the “Time Domain” tab of

the measurement window as shown in Figure 9.

Upon measurement start the SERIES 7000 will adjust the input step attenuator to avoid power

compression and maximize dynamic range, calibrate the phase detector and phase lock the internal

references. The “Status Window” tab will indicate measurement progress and provide status and error


The loop bandwidth is adaptively set to ensure stable and reproducible measurements with maximum

dynamic range. The gain of the IF amplifiers is adjusted to measure at lowest sensitivity without driving

the stages into compression.

Note that the measurement time needed largely depends on the offset range measured and the total

number of correlations.

Figure 10 shows a screenshot of the GUI after a completed measurement. Below the actual

(red) measurement trace, a gray polygon (shade trace) is visible. This polygon indicates the

measurement floor for the current measurement. With increasing number of correlation, this

noise floor will decrease. If the measurement trace at a given offset is above the noise floor the

measured trace has reached a steady-state value at the same offset. Increasing number of

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