ProSoft Technology PTQ-AFC User Manual
Page 157

PTQ-AFC ♦ Modicon Quantum Platform
Meter Proving
Liquid and Gas Flow Computer for Hydrocarbon Products
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 157 of 259
June 23, 2011
Prover Phase
These bits report the state of the run as known by the proving hardware. These
values are chosen specifically for compatibility with several kinds of proving
hardware, so that the work necessary for the PLC to translate hardware register
values into these values required by the AFC is minimized and in many cases
can be reduced to a simple mask-and-copy. There are 8 values ranging from 0-
7. These values are:
Value Name Description
Prover not selected (not ready)
This is the normal value when no proving run is in
Prover active, not yet counting
The counter card has been initialized for a proving
run, but the ball or piston has not yet passed the
first switch. Counting of the pulses for the run has
not yet begun.
Prover active, past first switch and
The ball or piston has passed the first switch but not
yet passed the second switch, and the run counter
is counting pulses. For bidirectional provers, this is
the forward leg.
Prover active, past second switch
This state is for bidirectional provers only. The ball
or piston has passed the second switch of the
forward leg, the run counter has been stopped, and
the intermediate count for the forward leg is
available. During this state
the proving hardware should be swinging valves to
reverse the stream's direction of flow through the
prover, preparing it for the return leg.
Prover active, past first switch return
This state is for bidirectional provers only. The ball
or piston has passed the first switch on the return
leg but not yet passed the second switch, and the
run counter is counting pulses.
Run Complete
The ball or piston has passed the second switch
(for bidirectional provers, the second switch of the
return leg), the run counter has been stopped, and
the count for the run is available. For a bidirectional
prover, this count may be either the count for only
the return leg or the count for the entire run; use
prover option "Return leg pulse count is round-trip
count" (register 65011 bit 4) to specify which.
Prover not selected (not ready)
Some kinds of proving hardware report this value
for a counting mode unrelated to proving. The AFC
treats this value the same as value 0.
Prover not selected (not ready)
Some kinds of proving hardware report this value
for a counting mode unrelated to proving. The AFC
treats this value the same as value 0.
Prover Position: Ready for Launch
The prover's ball or piston is ready for launching into the stream. For a
bidirectional prover, this is the launch of the forward leg.