118 switchport voice vlan discovery-protocol, 119 switchport voice vlan mode – PLANET SGS-5220-24T2X User Manual
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Command Guide of SGS-5220-24T2X
Switch# configure terminal
Switch (config)# interface GigabitEthernet X/X
Switch (config-if) # switchport vlan protocol group 8081 vlan 5 switchport voice vlan discovery-protocol
switchport voice vlan discovery-protocol both | lldp | oui
switchport Switching mode characteristics
voice Voice appliance attributes
vlan Vlan for voice traffic
discovery-protocol Set Voice VLAN port discovery protocol
both Detect telephony device by OUI address and LLDP
lldp Detect telephony device by LLDP
oui Detect telephony device by OUI address
Usage Guide:
To configure Discovery-protocol in the Voice VLAN for specific interface
Example: To configure Discovery-protocol (LLDP) in the Voice VLAN for GigabitEthernet X/X
Switch# configure terminal
Switch (config)# interface GigabitEthernet X/X
Switch (config-if) # switchport voice vlan discovery-protocol lldp switchport voice vlan mode
switchport voice vlan mode auto | disable | force
switchport Switching mode characteristics
voice Voice appliance attributes
vlan Vlan for voice traffic