Antenna installation, Chapter 3: antenna installation, Chapter 3 – Enterasys Networks ROAMABOUT RBT-1602 User Manual

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RoamAbout Antenna Site Preparation and Installation Guide 3-1


Antenna Installation

This chapter provides the information necessary for a professional antenna installer to install the 
RoamAbout antennas.

The RoamAbout outdoor antenna kits do NOT provide the following items, which may be 
necessary to install the antenna:

Mast or other antenna support structure

Guy wires

All cables or other hardware necessary for a complete grounding system

Waterproof tape

Electrical Hazard: Antennas should only be installed by a qualified antenna installer. The antenna
installation professional should be licensed or certified in accordance with local regulations.
Do not install the antenna in wet, windy, icy, or otherwise unsafe weather conditions.

Peligro de descarga eléctrica: la colocación de la antena debe realizarla un instalador de
antenas calificado y con las licencias correspondientes en las regulaciones locales. No instale la
antena en condiciones climatológicas adversas, como lluvia, viento, heladas, nieve, etc., que
podrían resultar peligrosas.

Elektrische Spannung: Antennen dürfen nur von qualifiziertem Fachpersonal installiert werden.
Antenneninstallateure müssen den geltenden Vorschriften entsprechend lizenziert oder zugelassen
sein. Von Installationsarbeiten bei Nässe, Wind, Frost oder anderen gefährlichen
Wetterbedingungen ist abzusehen.

Note: Not all antennas in this chapter can be used by both wireless access points. Refer to

Appendix A, Specifications

, to determine if your access point supports the specified antenna.

Note: It is the responsibility of the end-user to ensure that an outdoor antenna installation complies
with local radio regulations.