10 appendix, 1 user groups, 2 xml file custom.xml – SMA SC-COM User Manual

Page 40: 1 structure of the xml file custom.xml, 1 user groups 10.2 xml file custom.xml

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10  Appendix

SMA Solar Technology AG



Operating Manual

10 Appendix

10.1 User Groups

The SC-COM distinguishes between the "user" and "installer" user groups. The distinction is made via different passwords.

If the password is the same for both user groups, you will be logged in automatically as installer.
To prevent two users from making changes at the same time, only one user can ever be logged into the SC-COM at a


10.2 XML File custom.xml

10.2.1 Structure of the XML File custom.xml

You can upload your own system and network settings via the XML file custom.xml. The SC-COM checks the file for

validity and accuracy of the entered values and takes over the settings when you reset the SC-COM.

User group



• Configure the system settings of the SC-COM, such as date and time
• Configure the SC-COM for the network except for the network port setting
• Read out the operating data and parameter settings
• Change the password for the "user" user group
• Download and manage the operating data


• All rights of the "user" user group
• Adjust the network settings including those of the network ports
• Set the inverter parameters
• Restore the default settings of the SC-COM
• Delete the device description
• Delete the Sunny Portal buffer
• Change passwords for both user groups
• Adjust settings using the XML file
• Enable Modbus option, upload Modbus profiles, and set unit IDs
• Enable and disable the RPC interface

Element of the XML file


Required element of the XML file





Required element of the XML file
Is finished with the tag at the end of the

XML file

my config V1.01

Required element of the XML file. You have to enter the

name and the version for your settings between the

version tags. This information is displayed in the header

of the user interface.