2 manual contr o l and a u to matic modes – HEIDENHAIN CNC Pilot 4290 V7.1 Description of B and Y axes User Manual
Page 17
.2 Manual Contr
l and A
matic Modes
Tilting the B axis in manual control mode
You can either use the tool change call for positioning the B axis or you
can tilt the axis manually with the handwheel or PLC keys.
Tool change call: When you call the tool change function, the entries
default to the current values. Specify the required B axis angle and
activate the function.
Manual tilting: The B axis is tilted by using the handwheel. You can
also move the B axis with the PLC keys if your control has been
specially prepared for this functionality by the machine tool builder.
Your machine manual provides more detailed information.
When you tilt the B axis manually, the new B axis angle is taken into
account, but a change in the tool orientation is not recognized. The
control therefore marks the actual position displays for X and Z invalid
(gray digits). In the next tool call, the CNC PILOT newly calculates the
position of the tool tip and marks the position displays for X and Z valid.
Please note that the position displays for X and Z (machine
display) will display invalid values as soon as the B axis is
tilted manually. The CNC PILOT indicates this by
displaying the position values in gray.