Graphics overview, The orad graphics tool, Graphics overview the orad graphics tool – Grass Valley Aurora Edit LD v.7.0 User Manual
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Graphics Overview
Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD have graphics tools available for inserting graphics
on the Timeline Graphics track.
Both Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD have the ability to integrate via plug-ins to the
optional Orad and VizRT graphic systems. Orad allows an end-to-end workflow from
the journalist desktop directly to playout on air. The VizRT workflow includes
integration from the journalist desktop directly to the Graphics track on the Timeline.
Orad or VizRT must be properly configured in the top menu
Tools | Options | Graphics
pulldown for the proper graphics tool.
The Orad Graphics Tool
The optional Orad Maestro Graphics tool is available with the Aurora Edit and Aurora
Edit LD systems for providing animated and still graphics in an end-to-end workflow
from the journalist desktop to playout on air.
The Orad Graphics tool is a high-end software/hardware solution that is capable of
both 2D and 3D animations and stills. In addition, the graphics department has the
ability to create simple templates for use by journalists and editors later in the workflow.
From the journalist desktop, Orad has a standard plug-in that allows operators to
access, add, or modify graphics that can then be linked to Orad scripts as MOS objects.
From Aurora Edit, editors can link to scripts by creating a new sequence and linking
to the Assignment List Manager to select a story. Then from the Story View, graphics
can be copied directly to the Graphics track on the Timeline. Graphics that get copied
to the Timeline will inherit the default graphic duration, which is configured in Aurora
Tools | Options | Graphics
tab in the main menu bar.
Once a graphic is on the Timeline Graphics track, it can be trimmed or extended. This
will not change the path the animation will take. It will extend or trim the middle of
the graphic.
Orad graphics placed on the Timeline Graphics track can be played directly to playout
or previewed and edited by double-clicking on the graphic in the Timeline.
Double-clicking on the graphic allows the editor to make changes and run the graphic
to preview it.
NOTE: As an additional precaution, editors will not be able to trim the graphic
beyond its minimum duration, which is determined by the keyframes within the
Refer to the Orad documentation included with your Orad system for complete details
for using the Orad plug-in and other Orad features.
Aurora Edit LD User Guide
08 April 2010
Graphic Tools