Counter, Information – Amer Networks SS2GD8I User Manual

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3.12.2 Counter

The Counter page (Figure 3-39) displays the GVRP packets sent and received by the switch.

Figure 3-39: GVRP Counter Page

Total GVRP Packets: Total GVRP BPDU packets sent or received by the switch.

Invalid GVRP Packets: Number of invalid GARP BPDU received by the switch.

LeaveAll Message Packets: Number of GARP BPDU with a Leave All message sent or received by the

JoinEmpty Message Packets: Number of GARP BPDU with a Join Empty message sent or received by
the switch..

JoinIn Message Packets: Number of GARP BPDU with a Join In message sent or received by the

LeaveEmpty Message Packets: Number of GARP BPDU with a Leave Empty message sent or received
by the switch.

Empty Message Packets: Number of GARP BPDU with an Empty message sent or received by the

3.12.3 Information

The Information page (Figure 3-40) displays the dynamic group members and their information.

Figure 3-40: GVRP Group Information

VID: VLAN identifier. Each dynamic VLAN group created by GVRP has its own VID. Valid range is from 1-

Member Port: Those are member ports belonging to the same dynamic VLAN group.

Edit Administrative Control: When you create a GVRP group, you can use Administrative Control to
change the Applicant Mode and Registrar Mode of a GVRP group member.

Refresh: Refreshes the current GVRP group status.