Amer Networks SS2GD8I User Manual

Page 47

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Figure 3-38: GVRP Configuration Page

GVRP State: Allows you to enable or disable GVRP.

Join Time: The Join Time in centiseconds (one hundredths of a second). Valid time range is between 20-
100, default is 20.

Leave Time: The Leave Time in centiseconds. Valid time range is between 60-300, default is 60.

Leave All Time: A time period for announcements that all registered devices are going to be de-
registered. If someone issues a new join, then the registration will be kept in the switch. Valid range is
from 1000-5000, default is 1000.

Default Applicant Mode: Sets the type of participant, either normal participant or non-participant. In
normal mode, the switch participates normally in GARP protocol exchanges. In non-participant mode, the
switch does not send or reply to any GARP messages. It just listens to messages and reacts to the
received GVRP BPDU. The default setting is Normal.

Default Registrar Mode: Sets the type of registrar, either normal registrar, fixed registrar and forbidden
registrar. In normal mode, the registrar responds normally to incoming GARP messages. In fixed mode,
the Registrar ignores all GARP messages, and all members remain in the registered (IN) state. In
forbidden mode, the registrar ignores all GARP messages, and all members remain in the unregistered
(EMPTY) state. The default setting is Normal.

Restricted Mode: Used to restrict dynamic VLANs from being created when this port receives a GVRP
PDU. If disabled, the switch’s dynamic VLAN will be created when this port received a GVRP PDU. If
enabled, the switch does not create dynamic VLANs when this port receives a GVRP PDU, except if it
receives dynamic VLAN messages in the GVRP PDU that correspond to an existing static VLAN in the
switch, this port will then be added into the static VLAN members. The default setting is Disabled.