Welltech ePBX80 V.1.1 User Manual
Page 96

Welltech Technology Co., Ltd.
For LP389S or iP380 IP Phone register to ePBX80, you can use default SIP extension
number or modify it. For Example: IP Phone LP389S registers to ePBX80 with account 108
of default SIP extension. You can set up the SIP configuration of LP389S by its LCD, or you
can also login its WEB interface. Go to SIP lines, setup the proxy server address and
registered number and etc. After configuration, please remember to Active and press Apply
it. For more information about LP389S IP Phone, please refer it from user manual. The
following webpage is LP389S IP Phone configuration.
If all of above setting are correct, you can go to Information Subscriber Info page to
confirm if the registration status are correct or not. See the following webpage.