25 [passwd – Welltech FXSO Gateway In SIP V.1.2 User Manual
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FXSO SIP Gateway User Manual
Document Ver.: 102
Released Dec., 2004
rom -ftp vwu sr vwusr
rom -app -s -f app.bin
Parameter Usages:
show versions of all rom files
-app, boot, boot2m, dsptest, dspcore, dspapp, greeting, askpin
update main Application
program code, Boot code, DSP
testing code, DSP kernel code,
DSP application code, greeting
file, askpin file.
to specify TFTP server’s IP address when upgrading ROM
to specify the target file name, which will replace the old one.
to decide using TFTP or FTP as file transfer server. “0” stands
for TFTP, while “1” stands for FTP.
if users choose FTP in above item, it is necessary to specify
pre-defined username and password when upgrading files.
4.2.25 [passwd]
For security concern, users have to input the password before entering
configuration mode. “passwd” command is for password setting purpose.
usr/config$ passwd
Password setting information and configuration
passwd -set Loginname Password
passwd -clean
1. Loginname can be only 'root' or 'administrator'
2. passwd -clean will clear all passwd stored in flash,
please use it with care.
passwd -set root Your_Passwd_Setting