18 [phone – Welltech FXSO Gateway In SIP V.1.2 User Manual
Page 84

FXSO SIP Gateway User Manual
Document Ver.: 102
Released Dec., 2004
-maxdelay the minimum jitter buffer size. (Default value= 150 ms)
usr/config$ voice –mindelay 90 –maxdelay 150
be sure to know well the application before you change voice
parameters because this might cause incompatibility.
4.2.18 [phone]
Gateway’s progress tone is configurable. Default tone value is set
according to U.S. tone specification. Users may adjust the values
according to their own country’s tone specification or users-defined tone
usr/config$ phone
Phone ringing , ringback tone , busy tone , dial tone setting and notes
phone [-ring [freq ][ringON ][ringOFF ][ringLevel]]
[-rbt [freqHi ][freqLo ][freqHiLev][freqLoLev]
[Tone1ON][Tone1OFF][Tone2ON ][Tone2OFF ]]
[-bt [freqHi ][freqLo ][freqHiLev][freqLoLev]
[Tone1ON][Tone1OFF][Tone2ON ][Tone2OFF ]]
[-dt [freqHi ][freqLo ][freqHiLev][freqLoLev]
[Tone1ON][Tone1OFF][Tone2ON ][Tone2OFF ]]
[-flash [freqLo ][freqHi ]]
phone [-print [ring]|[rbt]|[bt]|[dt]|[flash]]
-print Display phone ringing/tone configuration.
ring : ringing
rbt : ringback tone
bt : busy tone
dt : dial tone
flash: flash tone
-ring ringing configuration set .