2 command list, 1 [help, 2 [quit – Welltech FXSO Gateway In SIP V.1.2 User Manual

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FXSO SIP Gateway User Manual

Document Ver.: 102

Released Dec., 2004


4.2 Command List

4.2.1 [help]

Type help or man or ? to list all the available command.

usr/config$ help

help help/man/? [command]

quit quit/exit/close

debug show debug message

reboot reboot local machine

flash clean configuration from flash rom

commit commit flash rom data

ifaddr Internet address manipulation

time show current time

ping test that a remote host is reachable

sysconf System information manipulation

sip SIP information manipulation

security Security information manipulation

line Line information manipulation

route Routing information manipulation

prefix Prefix drop/insert information manipulation

pbook Phone book information manipulation

voice Voice information manipulation

phone Setup of call progress tones and ringing

tone Setup of disconnect tone

fxopwd Setup of FXO password

record Record voice for greeting and ask pin code


IP Packet ToS (Type of Service)values

pt DSP payload type configuration and information

rom ROM file update

passwd Password setting information and configuration

usage: help [command]

4.2.2 [quit]

Type quit will quit the Gateway configuration mode and turn back to login

prompt (in console mode) or disconnect (in TELNET mode).