8 [time, 9 [ping – Welltech FXSO Gateway In SIP V.1.2 User Manual

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FXSO SIP Gateway User Manual

Document Ver.: 102

Released Dec., 2004



assign internet subnet mask


assign IP default gateway


Switch the network type (0 = Static IP; 1 = DHCP mode 2 =

PPPoE mode)


Simple Network Time Protocol (1 = ON; 0 = OFF) When

SNTP function is activated, users have to specify a SNTP

server as network time source. An example is demonstrated



configure the IP address for the DNS server


set local time zone according to GMT


usr/config$ ifaddr -sntp 1 stands for SNTP server’s IP address.

-id To configure the pppoe connection account for the pppoe


-pwd To configure the pppoe connection password for the pppoe



Change the http port. User can change default HTTP port

(80) to another one for security or NAT application.

4.2.8 [time]

When SNTP function of Gateway is enabled and SNTP server can be

found as well, type time command to show current network time.


usr/config$ time

Current time is THU JAN 01 05:29:23 1970

4.2.9 [ping]

Use ping to test whether a specific IP is reachable or not.

For example: if is not existing while exists.

Users will have the following results: