Welltech WG2504 FXS V.4.02 User Manual
Page 94

Proxy Server Port: this proxy server port number.
Outbound Proxy Server: this outbound proxy server IP address
Outbound Proxy Server Port: this outbound proxy server port
Register Expires: the register expires time.
TEL No: the sip trunk line number.
User ID: this sip trunk register account
User Password: this sip trunk authentication password
Display Name: this sip trunk display name
Reject Anonymous Call: 0 is disable , 1 is enable.
Display Name: 0 is none, 1 is PSTN Caller ID, 2 is SIP User ID, 3 is FXO
Tel No.
User ID: 0 is SIP User ID, 1 is PSTN Caller ID, 2 is FXO Tel No
For DNIS is Register TEL: 0 is 1 stage dialing, 1 is 2 stage dialing
Keep Alive: 0 is disable, 1 is enable.
Keep Alive Time (sec): keep alive time (the range is 30 to 300 sec)
0: it is reserved option, please don’t change this value.
Create a sip trunk.
Trunk ID 3, trunk number 0700123456, trunk account test, trunk password
test123, trunk display name welltech.
Proxy server domain name welltechtech.com, proxy ip,
Proxy port 8888, outbound proxy ip, outbound proxy port
8890, expire time 60.
This command is
“[bdb -i SipTrunk -a 3 -v
Notice: please input completely command line, there should have 19
Read the SIP Trunk values
This command is [bdb -i SipTrunk]
Notice: each SIP Trunk record is using symbol “;” to end.