Visara Master Console Center Operations Guide User Manual
Page 40

Visara Master Console Center
© Visara International 2007
Before automation routines (for example, scripts or Event Manager rules) send characters to a
console, they first lock the console and then send the characters. When finished, the console is
immediately unlocked.
When manually typing on a mainframe console, as soon as an attention-type key (
consoles, the concept of the attention key does not exist because pressing
method. (Typing in an editor is a perfect example of this - how many times is
user or automation routine.)
When manually typing on RS232 and Telnet consoles, the console remains locked until one of the
following events occurs:
The console timeout feature removes the lock. The default timeout is 30
seconds. For additional information on setting the console timeout seconds, see
the Administration Guide.
The user manually unlocks the console with the Unlock Port option on the
console menu.