Verilink T1 Access Router (34-00327) Product Manual User Manual
Page 93

W e b S e r v e r I n t e r f a c e
Static TCP Translation Table Screen
The Static TCP Translation Table screen (Figure 3.58) allows static mapping
of global TCP Server ports to a local host IP address/port combination. The
parameters described below enable access to TCP servers on the private/
corporate network “behind the NAT.” The parameters may be used only when
in NAPT mode.
Figure 3.58
Static TCP Translation Table Screen
Global Port
Decimal IP Port exposed to the global Internet. Default is 0.
Server Port
Decimal IP Port of the local TCP Server. This port is usually the same as the
Global Port. Default is 0.
Server Address
IP Address of the local TCP Server. Default is
The Static TCP Translation Table screen provides the following user-activated
You can configure or change the above-listed parameters on the Static TCP
Translation Details screen (Figure 3.59), which is accessed by selecting the
appropriate number under the “Index” column on the Static TCP Translation
Table screen.
Figure 3.59
NAT Static TCP Translation Details Screen
Static UDP Translation Table Screen
The Static UDP Translation Table screen (Figure 3.61) allows static mapping
of global UDP Server ports to a local host IP address/port combination. The
parameters described below enable access to UDP Servers on the private/
NAT Details
Returns the user to the previous screen.
Add New
Lets the user add additional addresses.