Verilink T1 Access Router (34-00327) Product Manual User Manual
Page 75

W e b S e r v e r I n t e r f a c e
Figure 3.37
Top Talkers Screen
To generate a Top Talkers report, enter the desired report size in the
appropriate field and then click the “Submit” button.
Establishes the amount of time (in seconds) for which the Top Talkers report
will capture IP traffic; typically this value is 900 seconds (15 minutes).
Time Remaining
Establishes the amount of time (in seconds) for which the Top Talkers report
will capture IP traffic; typically this value is 900 (15 minutes). As soon as
you initiate generation of the report by pressing the “Submit” button, the
Time Remaining value is copied over to the Duration field.
Requested Report Size
Establishes how many IP addresses will be reported as the “Top Talkers.”
While you may request any number, the unit is internally limited to a
maximum report size of 20.
As soon as the specified Duration for the report has elapsed, the screen will
refresh itself and the resulting report-specific information will be displayed in
the outlined box at the bottom of the screen. This report comprises elements
as defined in the following paragraphs.
Report #
Displays a unique number used to identify the generated report. This number
is generated automatically, is incremented sequentially for each report, and
can be used by management stations for automatic polling (via the
Displays the actual number of Top Talkers generated by the report. The
maximum report size is 20.
Start Time
Displays the time at which the Top Talkers report was initiated (based on
System Up Time).
System Up Time
Displays the amount of time the unit has been operational since it was turned
on or last reset.
The Top Talkers table reports in descending order the IP addresses that have
generated the most traffic during the requested report’s duration. For each IP