Fdl configuration submenu -9 – Verilink DPRI 2922 (880-503142-001) Product Manual User Manual
Page 39

Configuring the DPRI 2922 Via the NCM 2000 Craft Interface
Verilink DPRI 2922
When finished configuring the T1 network ports, enter X until you
return to the Configuration Menu.
FDL Configuration
Facility Data Link is an ESF T1 port configuration option. The ESF
FDL transmits performance information, error events, and
loopback controls. FDL uses 4 kbit/s of bandwidth to transmit data.
To use FDL, ensure that ESF framing format has been selected.
From the T1 Port Configuration Menu, choose F to display the FDL
Configuration Submenu.
NOTE: This option and associated submenus are meaningless for ports in
SF mode.
Alarm Declare Time (sec): Use this option to indicate how many seconds
will elapse before a message regarding a problem is displayed.
0..127 seconds
FDL Enable/PRM Enable: Facility Data Link (FDL). The ESF
Facility Data Link
is used to transmit performance registers and controls, error events, and
loopback controls. The FDL uses 4 kbit/s of bandwidth to transmit
messages. This option only enables or disables the FDL. It only reports if
you have the Performance Report Message Command/Response (PRM C/R)
bit enabled or disabled. To change this option’s status or configuration,
select the FDL Configuration command (
) and use the
(PRM C/R bit)
Note: Enabling this option is meaningless for ports in SF mode.
Yes or No
Enable Inband ISDN: Turns on access to one of the channels in the option
fields for inband communication. To receive and transmit remote
configuration and diagnostic information, the channel has to be enabled on
both ends.
This command is used to enable an inband channel or ISDN D-channel, or
disable both. An inband channel uses a timeslot (DS0) to send and recieve
remote configuration and diagnostic information. An ISDN D-channel is
used for ISDN call set-up and other messages. Both ends must have the
same option selected. Select the Inband Timeslot option below before
implementing this command.
1) Inband
2) ISDN enable
3) Both disable
Inband Timeslot: Select one of the 24 timeslots for inband management
before enabling the inband ISDN as described above. ISDN normally uses
timeslot 24 for this function.
FDL Configuration: Brings up a submenu of choices. Figure 3-5, Table 3-6.
Note: This option and associated submenus are meaningless for ports in SF
Timing: This brings up the Configuration Menu (Timing Options), Figure
Exit this Screen: Returns you to the Configuration Menu, Figure 3-3, Table