13 − troubleshooting – Teac SS-R05 User Manual

Page 65

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13 − Troubleshooting


Power does not turn on

Make sure that the power plug is firmly inserted.

Media is not detected

Make sure that the CompactFlash card is firmly inserted.

Can’t play back

In the case of a WAV file, make sure that the file is of a
sampling frequency (44.1 kHz or 48 kHz) and bit depth
(16-bit) supported by the SS-R1. In the case of an MP3
file, make sure that the file is of a bit rate supported by
the SS-R1.

No sound

Check the SS-R1’s connections to your monitor sys-
tem. Also check the volume of your amp.

Can’t record

• Check the connections once again.

• Adjust the recording level.

A setting you changed is not remembered

The SS-R1 backs-up the settings when you change
them. This backup may fail if you turn off the power at
an inappropriate time, so do not turn off the power
immediately after changing a setting.

Noise is heard

Check whether a connection cable might have a bad

When editing a name, the display indicates
Name Full

Due to limitations of the system, the number of charac-
ters in a file name and folder name is limited to 255
characters (single-byte). Since the full path within the
folder finder is limited to 255 characters, the maximum
name length for a file or folder that is inside a sub-fold-
er will be reduced by the number of characters used by
any folders above it and any separator characters.









13 − Troubleshooting