Time skip, Playback modes, Specifying the playback mode – Teac SS-R05 User Manual

Page 24: Time skip playback modes, 5 − playback

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5 − Playback


Time skip

While playing or paused, you can skip backward or for-
ward in one-minute steps.

1 While playing or paused, press the




You will locate to a position one minute before or after
the current location. Following the locate, the playback
or pause condition will continue as it had been prior to
the operation.


If you press the

key at a point less than one

minute after the beginning of the track, you will
locate to the beginning of the current track.
If you press the

key at a point less than one

second after the beginning of the track, you will

locate to a point one minute before the end of the
preceding track. However if the track is the first
track in the card or the program, you will pause at
the beginning of the current track. (Even when
using random play, pressing the

key at a point

less than one second from the beginning of the
track will locate to the beginning of the track).
If you press the


key at a point that is less than

one minute from the end of the track, you will
locate to the beginning of the next track. However
if the track is the last track in the card or the
program, you will pause at the end of the current

Playback modes

The tracks in the play area can be played using one of the
following four types (modes) of playback.

Continuous playback (default setting)

The tracks in the play area will play back in order of their
track numbers.

Single playback

Only the currently selected track will play back, and then
playback will stop.

Program playback

The tracks will be played back in the order you pro-
grammed (see “Program playback” on page 25).

Random playback

All tracks in the play area will play back in a random order
without regard to their track number. When all tracks have
been played back, playback will stop.

Specifying the playback mode

You can easily select the playback mode by using a dedi-
cated on the remote. To select the playback mode from the
SS-R1 itself, use menu mode.

Using the dedicated key of the remote
1 While stopped, or when no CompactFlash card is

inserted, press the remote’s


key to cycle

through the playback modes. The home screen
shows the currently selected mode as follows.


Playback mode


Continuous playback


Single playback


Program playback


Random playback


In this owner’s manual, we will assume that continu-
ous playback is selected as the playback mode unless
otherwise specified.

Using the menu

(For details on how to perform menu operations, refer to
“Operations in the menu screens” on page 16).

1 While stopped, press the


key to enter menu


2 Turn the


dial to highlight the PLAY

menu item, and then press the



3 Select the PLAY MODE item.

4 Turn the


dial to select the desired play


5 Press the


key to return to the home



The play mode you select is remembered even when
the power is turned off.