RLE FDS-Wi V.2.5 User Manual
Page 70

Correct any information that is wrong. If the information is correct, go to step 3.
With the serial cable connected and your terminal emulation program running, you can
enter an address to have the Wireless Gateway ping to.
Obtain a known good IP address.
In the terminal emulation program, type
then press enter. Example: ping
If a ping response is not established, contact your IT department and make sure the
patch cord your using is not faulty. Have the network switch port checked to make sure it
is activated.
If a ping response is established, contact your local sales representative or RLE
Sensors do not display on the Wireless Gateway’s home page.
The transmission range of a wireless sensor depends on the distance between the sensor
and the Wireless Gateway, and the number of obstacles between the two. The more
obstructions between the devices, the weaker the signal becomes.
Do not install a wireless sensor inside a solid metal cabinet. This can interfere with its
If the sensor is not visible on the Wireless Gateway’s home page, remove the cover from
the sensor and see if the red “heartbeat” LED is flashing once every ten seconds. If you do
not see a flash, check the sensor’s batteries. If you do see it flash, continue to step 2.
Bring the sensor closer to the FSD-Wi and push the reset button on the top of the unit. If the
sensor does not show on the home page when it is close to the Wireless Gateway, contact
your local sales representative or RLE Technologies. If the sensor does show on the home
page, move the sensor back to its original location.
418 MHz sensors have a limited range and may loose signal quality due to distance or
physical obstructions. If moving the sensor to its original location causes the signal to be
lost again, you have several options.
Move the sensor to another acceptable location, where it can be “seen” by the Wireless
Switch out the 418 MHz sensor for a 900MHz sensor. The 900 MHz sensor will have a
greater range.
Use a point repeater to improve the signal quality.
Sensors that you have NOT installed appear on the Wireless Gateway’s
home page.
This issue may occur when wireless sensors are used in conjunction with an Wireless
Gateway. When you installed your sensors, the automatic Sensor Discovery feature on the
Wireless Gateway was enabled. Initially everything configured correctly, but when you check
the Wireless Gateway several days later, it reports far more sensors than you have installed,
and some of the reported data is very old.
When you configured your system, you left the Sensor Discovery feature on the Wireless
Gateway enabled. The sensors sometimes transmit messages with garbled data packets, and
the Wireless Gateway has interpreted the garbled data as new sensors. The “new” sensors
have been added to the interface.