Sensitivity, Timebase, Trigger modes – Metric Halo SpectraFoo Version 1.5 User Manual
Page 10: Free, Normal, Hold, Hold and retrigger, Timed hold, Timed polarity check, Clip capture

With in the Oscilloscope details window the Sensitivity slider controls the magnification of the oscilloscope trace,
allowing you to see the wave shape characteristics of very low level signals. The Timebase slider controls the
timescale of the oscilloscope grid. The timebase of the grid is precisely indicated in the numerical readout at the top
of each scope. Each mark on the slider indicates the number of samples represented by each pixel in the trace.
Each oscilloscope can trigger and hold the wave form of the signal being monitored. There are are seven available
trigger modes:
• Free
automatically retriggers on the internal clock;
• Normal
triggers the drawing trace once channel input matches your trigger settings
• Hold
triggers a drawing trace and holds the signal until rearmed
• Hold and Retrigger
same as Hold, but the trigger is automatically rearmed
• Timed Hold
same as Hold, but the trigger is automatically rearmed after the desired
"retrigger time"
• Polarity Check
same as Hold, but displays all the data prior to the trigger point and triggers
on either polarity and either slope
• Timed Polarity Check
rearms after the desired "retrigger time"
• Clip Capture
same as Polarity Check but triggers when signal reaches full scale
• Timed Clip Capture
rearms after the desired "retrigger time"
The Trigger Level slider sets the trigger threshold level in percent of full scale. 0 represents -
dBFS. When the
slider is to the right of 0 the scope will trigger on the positive portion of a full scale signal; when it is to the left it
will the negative portion of a full scale signal will trigger will be traced.
The Retrig Time slider controls the amount of time that the system waits before retriggering when a "Timed" is
mode selected.
The Slope Switch controls how the scope is triggered. When in the up position, the scope will trigger when the
signal reaches the threshold level and is moving in a positive direction. When the switch is down, the trigger
occurs when the threshold is reached and is moving in a negative direction.
The Arm Trigger button manually rearms the trigger.
Clicking on the Grid button causes the oscilloscope details window to expand and reveal controls for manipulat-
ing the oscilloscope calibration grid, or graticule.
The Grid Vert Spacing slider controls the vertical spacing of the horizontal grid lines.
The Grid Horiz Spacing slider controls the horizontal spacing of the vertical grid lines.
The VOffset slider controls the vertical offset of the trace zero line.
The HOffset slider controls the horizontal offset of the trace trigger point.
The Illumination slider the brightness of the grid. Sliding it all the way to the left shuts off the grid and the grid
details readout on the scope.
Real–Time High Resolution Spectrum Analyzer (Spectragraph)
The spectrum analysis within SpectraFoo utilizes a multichannel, high resolution, real–time FFT engine. At its high-
est resolution setting, SpectraFoo utilizes 64k point FFTs, allowing you to see features with widths as small as 2/3
Hz. SpectraFoo creates a new analysis up to 84 times per second, allowing you to see musical structure even at the
highest tempos.
SpectraFoo Operation Guide