Formax 6304 Series User Manual
Page 36

Additional Codes
When it is required to control more functions in the
inserter system, additional codes are available.
The following additional functions are possible via
software options:
Selective feed from station 1
Selective feed from station 2
Selective feed from station 3
Sealing control
Sequence check 4, 2 and 1 (respectively with 1,
2 or 3 marks, only OMR)
Parity check mark (even, only OMR)
Safety mark (only OMR)
General remarks:
In case of OMR the marks must always be used
in the above sequence.
If a function is suppressed the following function
will move upwards one line.
The chosen code must always be used on all
material processed by reading.
The mark definition is a service setting (OMR).
Other functions are possible via special codes
(Flex codes)
The system stops, manually remove the set from the
collator. Reset and start again.
The system stops, manually remove the set from the collator. Reset and start again.
Selective Feed
The system will selectively feed an enclosure when commanded so.
Sealing Control
When the ‘sealing control’ mark is printed, sets will not be sealed. When no ‘sealing
control’ mark is printed, sets will be sealed.
Start mark
Divert mark
Stop mark
Selective feed 1
Selective feed 2
Sequence check 4
Sequence check 2
Sequence check 1
Parity (even parity)
Safety mark
Selective feed 3
Sealing control