Flowserve Logix MD+ ValveSight User Manual
Page 209

ValveSight™ Diagnostics DTM Manual for Logix MD+ Positioner with HART®
© Flowserve Corporation
yet been calibrated. The unit will not respond to commands and will
remain in the fail-safe position until a calibration is successfully
Possible Solutions: Perform a Stroke Calibration (QUICK-CAL) by
holding the QUICK-CAL/ACCEPT button down for 3 seconds, or
perform a Pressure or Friction calibration if desired. See the Calibration
section of the IOM for warnings.
Position Range Small
Definition: During calibration, the range of motion of the position
feedback arm was too small for optimum performance.
Possible Solutions: Check for loose linkages and/or adjust the
feedback pin to a position closer to the follower arm pivot to create a
larger angle of rotation and recalibrate. The minimum angle of rotation
should be greater than 15 degrees. Briefly pressing the QUICK-
CAL/ACCEPT button acknowledges this condition and the positioner
will operate using the short stroke calibration if otherwise a good
Position < ADC Range
Definition: During calibration, the feedback sensor moved beyond its
range of operation at the 0% (closed) position.
Possible Solutions: Adjust the positioner mounting, linkage or
feedback potentiometer to move the position sensor back into range
then restart the calibration.
Position > ADC Range
Definition: During calibration, the feedback sensor moved beyond its
range of operation at the 100% (open) position.
Possible Solutions: To correct the condition, adjust the positioner
mounting, linkage or feedback potentiometer to move the position
sensor back into range then restart the calibration.
No Motion Time Out
Definition: During a stroke calibration, there was no valve motion
detected. Because some valves are quite large, this indicator can take
up to 9 minutes to detect an error.
Possible Solutions: Check linkages and air supply to make sure the
system is properly connected. If the time out occurred because the
actuator is very large then simply retry the QUICK-CAL and the
positioner will automatically adjust for a larger actuator by doubling the
time allowed for movement. This error may be cleared by briefly
pushing the QUICK-CAL/ACCEPT.
Settle Time Out
Definition: During calibration, the position feedback sensor showed
movement, but did not settle.
Possible Solutions: Check for loose linkages or a loose positioner
sensor. This error may appear on some very small actuators during the
initial calibration. Recalibrating may clear the problem, or this error may
be cleared by briefly pushing the QUICK-CAL/ACCEPT button.