Epiphan VGADVI Recorder User Manual
Page 69

VGADVI Recorder User Guide
3-1 Configure channels
Configure picture in picture or picture with picture layout
When your VGADVI Recorder has two attached video sources, you can create a layout for the
recording/broadcast and specify how each video is positioned on the screen. You can choose one of the
following layouts:
A single stream that combines both video and DVI channels into a traditional picture in picture layout.
Both video source signals and an audio source signal are combined and recorded to one file containing
one video and one audio track.
A single stream that combines both video and DVI channels a picture beside picture layout. Both video
source signals and an audio source signal are combined and recorded to one file containing one video
signal and one audio track.
Independent streams for each of video and DVI. Each stream has a different URL. Video source signals
and the audio source signal are recorded as separate tracks in a multi-track file.
To create a picture in picture or picture with picture layout:
1. Connect to the admin interface using your preferred connection mechanism. See
2. Login as admin.
3. Ensure two video input sources are connected to the device.
4. From the web interface, click Stream setup; the Stream setup page opens.
5. Scroll to the DVI channel section.
6. Check the Enable DVI channel check box.
7. Scroll to the Video channel section.
8. Check the Enable video channel check box.
Channel source layout is not available if Enable video channel is unchecked.
9. Select a Picture in Picture layout to specify how each input source (DVI or VGA and S-video) is streamed.
Hardware limits the position of the S-Video picture to align with a multiple of 32 pixels. As a
result, it's possible there is a small gap between the DVI/VGA and S-Video streams, or that the
S-Video stream is not perfectly right-aligned when superimposed over the DVI/VGA stream.