Comtech EF Data LBC-4000 User Manual
Page 63
LBC-4000 L-Band Up/Down Converter System
Revision 4
Front Panel Operation
5–7 Config: Conv-A or Conv-B (Converter Unit A or Unit B)
Freq/Mute Attn/Slope
Where ‘X’ is the selected converter – CnvA (Converter Unit A) or CnvB (Converter Unit B) – and
‘YYY’ indicates its operating frequency (70 or 140 MHz), use the [←][→] arrow keys to select
Freq/Mute or Atten/Slope, and then press [ENT].
CONFIG CnvA or CnvB Æ Freq/Mute
Frq=01999.999MHz Tx=ON
Use the [←][→] arrow keys to select Freq, or – depending on whether the unit is an Up
Converter or Down Converter – the Rx or Tx mute status.
To set the converter’s operating frequency: Use the [←][→] arrow keys to select a digit to edit,
and then use the [↑][↓] arrow keys to change that digit. Repeat for all digits until the desired
frequency has been defined.
To select the Tx/Rx mute status: Use the [←][→] arrow keys to select the mute parameter, and
then use the [↑][↓] arrow keys to select ON or OFF.
Press [ENT] when done.
CONFIG CnvA or CnvB Æ Atten/Slope
When Atten/Slope is selected for CnvA:
CONFIG CnvA: Ofst=+0.0dB
Atten=00.00dB Slope=0.0
For the Config: Conv‐A
Atten/Slope menu, the Ofst (Gain Offset) command is
available only if redundancy is enabled. See Appendix B. LBC‐4000 REDUNDANCY
OPERATION for further details on using this command in redundancy applications.
When Atten/Slope is selected for CnvB:
Atten=00.00dB Slope=0.0
For either, use the [←][→] arrow keys to select Atten or Slope.
To set the converter’s attenuation: Use the [←][→] arrow keys to select a digit to edit, and then
use the [↑][↓] arrow keys to change its value.