Example applications – Artesyn System Management Interface Based on HPI-B (Centellis CO 31kX-4100-2000-4410) (June 2014) User Manual

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Example Applications

System Management Interface Based on HPI-B (Centellis CO31kX/4100/2000/4410) User’s Guide


-c cold-reset resource (Requires '-r' option)

-w warm-reset resource (Requires '-r' option)

-V print version information and exit

-h display this help and exit


# hpiresourceself


Usage: hpiresourceself [OPTION]...

HPI example application to print the resource ID where this program is




-d DOMAIN_ID use domain with id DOMAIN_ID

-V print version information and exit

-h display this help and exit


# hpishaddr


Usage: hpishaddr [OPTION]...

HPI example application to display and set the shelf address.


-d DOMAIN_ID use domain with id DOMAIN_ID

-b HEX_STRING set shelf address using binary hex string HEX_STRING

-V print version information and exit

-h display this help and exit


# hpishelf


Usage: hpishelf [OPTION]...

HPI example application to manage connections to domains.

Note: Requires multishelf library.


-c DOMAIN_NAME create domain with name DOMAIN_NAME

-l DOMAIN_NAME delete domain with name DOMAIN_NAME

-i IP_ADDR use IP address IP_ADDR to connect to domain

-p PORT use port PORT to connect to domain