Altera POS-PHY Level 2 and 3 Compiler User Manual

Page 51

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Chapter 3: Functional Description


Interface Signals

© November 2009

Altera Corporation

POS-PHY Level 2 and 3 Compiler User Guide


Table 3–11. POS-PHY Level 2 Transmit Interface (Part 1 of 2)






Link to PHY

Transmit packet data bus. tdat carries the packet octets that are written to the
selected transmit FIFO buffer. tdat is valid only when tenb is simultaneously
asserted. Data must be transmitted in big-endian order. Given the previously defined
data structure, bits are transmitted in the following order: 15, 14 … 8, 7, 6 … 1, 0.


Link to PHY

Transmit bus parity. tprty indicates the parity calculated over the whole tdat
bus. When tprty is supported, the PHY-layer device is required to support both
even and odd parity. The PHY-layer device reports any parity error to higher layers
but does not interfere with the transferred data. tprty is valid only when tenb is



Link to PHY

The transmit word modulo. tmod indicates the size of the current word. tmod
should always be low, except during the last word transfer of a packet (when teop
is asserted). During a packet transfer every word must be complete except the last
word, which can comprise 1 or 2 bytes. When set high, tmod indicates a 1-byte
word (present on MSBs, LSBs are discarded); when set low, tmod indicates a 2-byte


Link to PHY

Transmit start of packet. tsop indicates the first word of a packet. tsop must be
present at the beginning of every packet and is valid only when tenb is asserted.


Link to PHY

Active-high transmit end of packet. teop marks the end of a packet on the tdat
bus. When teop is high, the last word of the packet is present on the tdat stream
and tmod indicates how many bytes this last word is composed of. tsop must not
be high when teop is high. teop provides support for one or two bytes packets, as
indicated by the value of tmod.


Link to PHY

The transmit error indicator. terr must only be asserted during the last word
transfer of a packet.


Link to PHY

Transmit MPHY write enable. tenb is an active low input and is used along with the

inputs to initiate writes to the transmit FIFO buffers. POS-PHY supports byte-

level and packet-level transfer. Packet-level transfer operates with a selection phase
when tenb is deasserted and a transfer phase when tenb is asserted. While tenb
is asserted, tadr is used for polling ptpa. Byte-level transfer works on a cycle
basis. When tenb is asserted data is transferred to the selected PHY. Nothing
happens when tenb is deasserted. Polling is not available in byte-level transfer
mode, and direct packet availability is provided by dtpa[x].


Link to PHY

Transmit PHY address bus. The tadr bus is used to select the FIFO buffer (and
hence the port) that is written to using the tenb signal, and the FIFO buffer whose
packet-available signal is visible on the PTPA output when polling. Address 1Fh is
the null-PHY address and must not be identified to any port on the POS-PHY bus.



PHY to link

Selected-PHY transmit packet available signal. stpa transitions high when

words are available in the selected transmit FIFO buffer (the

one data is written into). When high, stpa indicates that the transmit FIFO buffer is
not full. When stpa transitions low, it indicates that the transmit FIFO buffer has
reached fifo_threshold words. stpa always provides status indication for the
selected PHY to avoid FIFO buffer overflows while polling is performed. The PHY-
layer device tri-states stpa when tenb is deasserted. stpa is also tri-stated when
either the null-PHY address (1Fh), or an address not matching the PHY-layer device
address, is presented on the tadr signals when tenb is sampled high (has been
deasserted during the previous clock cycle).