System requirements, Estimating power – Altera Cyclone II PowerPlay Early Power Estimator User Manual

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Altera Corporation


May 2006


Chapter 2. Setting Up the

Cyclone II PowerPlay Early

Power Estimator


The PowerPlay Early Power Estimator spreadsheet requires:

A PC running the Windows NT/2000/XP operating system

Microsoft Excel 2002 or higher

Quartus II software version 6.0 or higher if generating a file for

Download &
Install the
PowerPlay Early
Power Estimator

The Cyclone II PowerPlay Early Power Estimator spreadsheet is available
from the Altera website ( After reading the terms and
conditions and clicking I Agree, you can download the Microsoft Excel
file to your hard drive.


By default, the Microsoft Excel 2002 macro security level is set to

. When the macro security level is set to High, macros are

automatically disabled. To change the macro security level in
Microsoft Excel 2002, click Options on the Tools menu. On the

tab of the Options window, click Macro Security. On

the Security Level tab of the Security dialog box, chose

. When the macro security level is set to Medium, a

pop-up window asks you whether to enable macros or disable
macros each time you open a spreadsheet that contains macros.
After changing the macro security level, you will have to close
the spreadsheet and re-open it in order to use the macros.


You can estimate power at any point in your design cycle. You can use the
PowerPlay Early Power Estimator spreadsheet to estimate the power
consumption if you have not begun your design, or if your design is not
complete. After completing your design, you can use the PowerPlay
power analyzer in the Quartus II software or the PowerPlay Early Power
Estimator spreadsheet to estimate the power consumption.


For more information on the power estimation feature in the Quartus II
software, refer to the PowerPlay Power Analysis chapter in volume 3 of the
Quartus II Handbook.

To use the PowerPlay Early Power Estimator spreadsheet, enter the
device resources, operating frequency, toggle rates and other parameters
in the PowerPlay Early Power Estimator spreadsheet. If you do not have