11 midi/general – Generalmusic wk1or User Manual

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72 Owner’s Manual




• 11 MIDI/General

To have access to MIDI/GENERAL mode, press the relativeMIDI/
GENERAL key, and hold it down for a few seconds.

Use the Page keys to scroll through the various pages. Move to the
various sections of a page with the CURSOR key.

Damper Pedal: The function of the Damper Pedal is controlled by

this section. The pedal must be connected to the Damper socket
located on the rear panel of the instrument.

Use the TEMPO/DATA key to have access to the following

pedal-controlled functions:

Sw Up1/2: Sets the Real Upper1 e Upper2 to ON or to OFF. This

function is useful when you wish to use two sounds
alternatively but do not wish to interrupt the execution.

St/Stp: Starts or stops the the drum pattern.

Fill A: executes Fill IN A.

Fill IN: executes Fill IN.

Fill B: executes Fill IN B.

Intro: adds the intro to the selected Variation.

Ending: adds the ending to the selected Variation.

FreezeC: ‘Locks’ the current chord (pedalheld), allowing you to

play freely withboth hands across the entire key-boardwithout
triggering changes inthe Style auto-accompaniment. Thefunction
deactivates at pedal release.

VocMute: (only if the A.V.P. accessory is installed) Activates/

Mutes the Vocal track when using the Audio Vocal Processor.

TrkMute:Activates/Mutes track

Volume PEDAL: The volume pedal, connected to the rear of the

instrument, can either control the overall volume (ALL) or the single
sections (SEC). Use the TEMPO/DATA key To switch from ALL to

If the PAGE+ is pressed, the display will show the following

functions: Arabic tuning, Microtune, Mixer lock, Dsp lock,
Tuning, Dynamic, Serial Computer.

Use the CURSOR key to select the desired function, and the

TEMPO/DATA key to modify the values.

port, make sure that OFF (default setting) is restore, otherwise the

MIDI interface will be disabled.


00:ArTune: (–31 … 0 … +31) This parameter tunes all the Arabic notes
of the currently selected Arabic Scale setting in steps of 1/32nd of a
quarter tone.

Change the Microtuning value with the Dial or the +/– buttons of the
Sound keypad.