Sound and performances 27 – Generalmusic wk1or User Manual
Page 34

Sound and Performances 27
- PITCH/M: (ON/OFF) enables or dsables the track for the action of the
Pitch/Modulation control.
- PITCHRG: (00/12) indicates the Bender range: if the value is 00, the
Pitch Bender wheel will have no effect on the track. A value higher than
00 indicates the wheel action in semitones (e.g.: 12=1 octave)
- EDITSND: (ON/OFF) If a Song in WK1 oriental is loaded,which can
possibly contain edited sounds, they can be listened to if the function is
ON. If you wish to listen to the original, unmodified sounds, set this
function to OFF. ON is the default setting.
Use the TEMPO/DATA keys to modify the values.
You can exit any edit page at any time without losing your temporary
Save your modifications if you decide to change to a new Performance.
Selecting a new Performance, or selecting the current one again, will imply
losing your data unless you save them.