6 the disk, 44 owner’s manual, Floppy disk accepted formats – Generalmusic wk1or User Manual

Page 51: Files, File types and extensions, Access to disk

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44 Owner’s Manual

• 6 The Disk

Working with a hard disk and floppy disks provides you with the possibility
to create an extensive library of Sounds, Samples, Performances, Styles,
Songs e Song Styles, that can be loaded to WK1 Or RAM at any time.

This chapter is an introduction to the concepts of File, Floppy Disks and
RAM memory. You will learn about the main access functions to a Disk
and how to load and save Songs, Styles, Performances, Samples, MIDI
Files and all the other formats that are compatible with WK1 Or.

Floppy Disk accepted formats

WK1 Or accepts 3,5” HD and DD floppy disks. These are the most
commonly used types and can be purchased at any computer shops,
stationeries, office commodity shops and supermarkets.

WK1 Or can read files in GMX, WK, PK, MIDI FILE, MS-DOS, Atari ST/
Falcon and Generalmusic CD series formats.

WK1 Or cannot read Songs, Styles and Samples in formats of non-
Generalmusic instruments. The exclusive format of musical instruments
adopted by a manufacturer is proprietary and not compatible with the format
of instruments of other makes. To exchange Songs with other instruments
it is necessary to save the Song as a MidiFile to a MS-DOS formatted


Data are stored on disks in the form of files. Files identify Songs, Song
Styles, Performances, Styles or Samples.

File types and extensions

The types of file used when working with a disk are identified by a name
(which appears in the 8- digit display area) and an extension (shown in
the 3-digit display area) which specifies the type of file.

In file types that include SONGS in PK, WK, STYLES and ALL formats,
the extension is not displayed. The extensions of all other recognized file
types are listed in the paragraph explaining the LOAD functions.


Any operation involving files can be effected using the functions given in
the Disk mode pages, through the FLOPPY DISK function key.

The main functions are divided into 5 groups:

1. LOAD...........Load data to RAM from a Floppy Disk
2. SAVE...........Saves RAM data to a Floppy Disk
3. DELETE......Cancels single Files from a Floppy Disk



Formatting procedure and cancellation of the contents

of a Floppy Disk.

The display shows when Floppy Disk mode is active: if a Floppy Disk
containing MidiFiles or Songs is inserted and the FLOPPY DISK key is
pressed, DIRECT page is shown. Use the PAGE and keys, and the
CURSOR to move around a page.

Press ESCAPE to exit DISK mode.