Output[1..n]:offset – EXFO IQS-3150 Variable Attenuator for IQS-500/600 User Manual

Page 131

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SCPI Command Reference

Variable Attenuator


Product-Specific Commands—Description



This command sets a power offset value. The

power offset value will be added to the absolute

output power.The same power offset value will

be used for all wavelengths. The offset is only

taken into account when the

OUTut[1..n]:RPOWer command is used. This

value it used only when the POWer control mode

is active.

At *RST, this value is set to 0 dB.





The program data syntax for is defined

as a element followed by an

optional element.

The allowed

element is DB. The special forms

MINimum, MAXimum and DEFault are accepted

on input.

MINimum allows to set the instrument to the

lowest supported value.

MAXimum allows to set the instrument to the

highest supported value.