Base switch – ADLINK aTCA-N700 User Manual

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aTCA-N700 SW Users Guide


[root@N700]$ nbm-relay ps xe0
ena/ speed/ link auto STP lrn inter max loop
port link duplex scan neg? state pause discrd ops face frame back
xe0 up 1G FD SW Yes Forward TX RX None FA GMII 16356

** LED ‘E’ Off

[root@N700]$ nbm-sfp tx_disable n FP1
[root@N700]$ nbm-relay port xe0 en=false
[root@N700]$ nbm-relay ps xe0
ena/ speed/ link auto STP lrn inter max loop
port link duplex scan neg? state pause discrd ops face frame back


1G FD SW Yes Forward TX RX None FA GMII 16356

8.3.12. Base Switch

The proprietary command nbm-robo is used to configure the switch: port enable/disable
and status checking. Here are the examples.

[root@N700]$ nbm-robo
root@aTCA-N700:~# nbm-robo
ROBO switch register tool
Usage: nbm-robo (init|close|show|clear)
- init: initailize Base switch
- close: Set state to 'Not forwarding'
- show : Disply Base switch port infomation
- clear: Clear port statistics infomation
nbm-robo (enable|disable)
- Enable or Disable port
nbm-robo read
- Read Register value
nbm-robo write
- Write values to Register
nbm-robo vlan add
- Add port to a VLAN
nbm-robo vlan del
- Remove port from VLAN
nbm-robo vlan destroy
- Destroy a VLAN
nbm-robo vlan show
- Display a VLAN
nbm-robo pvid
- Set a PVID for a port
nbm-robo pvid show
- Display PVID for all ports
nbm-robo l2 add
- Add L2 address associated with a port
nbm-robo l2 del
- Delete L2 address associated with a port
nbm-robo l2 clear
- Delete all L2 table
nbm-robo l2 show
- Display all L2 table
nbm-robo trunk (enable|disable)
- Enable/Disable trunking
nbm-robo trunk add
- Add ports to a trunk(trunk_id: 0 or 1)
nbm-robo trunk remove
- Remove ports from a trunk
nbm-robo trunk hash set
- Set hash index value to select egress port of a trunk
- 0: [DMAC,SMAC],1: [DMAC], 2: [SMAC]
nbm-robo trunk hash get
- Get hash index value
nbm-robo trunk show
- Display all trunk infomation