Dlp-e110 assign a name to a port – Cisco 15600 User Manual

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Cisco ONS 15600 Procedure Guide, R8.0

Chapter 17 DLPs E100 to E199

DLP- E110 Assign a Name to a Port

DLP-E110 Assign a Name to a Port

Step 1

Double-click the card that has the port you want to provision.

Step 2

Click the Provisioning tab.

Step 3

Click the Port Name column for the port number you are assigning a name to and enter the desired port

The port name can be up to 32 alphanumeric/special characters and is blank by default.

Step 4

Click Apply.

Step 5

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-E111 Provision Path Protection Selectors During Circuit Creation


Provisioning signal degrade–path (SD-P) or signal fail–path (SF-P) thresholds in the Circuit Attributes
page of the Circuit Creation wizard sets the values only for path protection-protected spans. The circuit
source and destination use the node default values of 10E-4 for SD-P and 10E-6 for SF-P for unprotected
circuits and for the source and drop of path protection circuits.

Step 1

In the Circuit Attributes area of the Circuit Creation wizard, set the path protection path selectors:

Provision working go and return on primary path—Check this box to route the working path on one
fiber pair and the protect path on a separate fiber pair. This feature only applies to bidirectional path
protection circuits.

Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working path when the conditions that
diverted it to the protect path are repaired. If you do not choose Revertive, traffic remains on the
protect path after the switch.


This task assigns a name to a port on any ONS 15600 card.



Prerequisite Procedures

DLP-E26 Log into CTC, page 16-33

NTP-E21 Verify Card Installation, page 4-2

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


This task provisions path protection selectors during circuit creation. Use
this task only if the circuit will be routed on a path protection.



Prerequisite Procedures You must have the Circuit Creation wizard open.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher