Great Planes Spirit 100 Sailplane Kit - GPMA0550 User Manual

Page 22

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"bumps" but be careful not to sand any dips into the sheeting or
sand the ribs

D D 11 Position a Pre-Shaped Leading Edge (SPT1W14)

in place against the front of the ribs NOTE: These leading

edges are NOT symmetrical. Refer to one of the section views
on the plans to determine which way they should be installed
Carefully hold the leading edge against one of the end W2 ribs
and note it is wider than the front of the rib This is because the

1/16 balsa leading edge top sheeting will be added later Align

the lower surface of the leading edge with the bottom of the lower
LE sheet and glue it in place with a drop of thin CA Align the
other end of the leading edge with the bottom of the opposite end
W2 and glue it with a drop of thin CA Go down the line and glue
the remaining ribs to the leading edge, one at a lime, so you can
make sure they are aligned Make sure the LE sheeting is flush
with the bottom of the LE and add CA between the ribs Do not
glue the sheeting to the LE past the last W2 ribs yet

DD 12 Locate the 1/16" Balsa Shear Webs (SPT1W24)

Trial fit one of the webs in place between the second and third W2
ribs Glue the shear web in place on the back of the spars using
med or thick CA The web should be pressed down against the
work surface and tightly against the spars It is important to do
a good job of gluing these in place as they are responsible for most

of the wing's strength Also, glue a shear web to the front of the
spars Because of the 1/16 bottom sheeting, the front shear webs
will extend up past the top spar, but they will be trimmed off later
C-l and C-2 Clamps (SPT1W22) can be used to help hold the
webs in place while the glue cures Install the remaining balsa

shear webs They continue on both the front and the back of the
spar, all the way to the last W2 Rib

DD 13 Punch out the five 1/16" PLY Wing Joiner Lamina-

tions (SPT1W09) and lightly sand the edges to remove any rough
spots Locate the 1/16" Aluminum Wing Joiner Blade
(ALUM008) Clean the alummum joiner with alcohol to remove
any oily residue and sand each side with coarse sandpaper to
scratch the surface and help the glue stick


DD 14 Use either epoxy or med or thick CA to glue one of the

1/16" ply laminations to the 1/16" aluminum lamination Apply