Great Planes Spirit 100 Sailplane Kit - GPMA0550 User Manual
Page 2

INTRODUCTION ............................ 3
Precautions...................................... 3
Other Items Required ...................... 3
Supplies and Tools Needed ............ 4
Abbreviations .................................. 4
Types of Wood ................................ 4
Decisions You Must Make Now ...... 4
Die Patterns .................................... 5
Get Ready to Build .......................... 6
TAIL FEATHERS ............................ 6
Build the Fin and Rudder ................ 6
Build the Stabilizer and Elevator...... 7
Cut the Hinge Slots.......................... 8
SPORT WING ASSEMBLY ............ 9
Build the Inner Wing Panel .............. 9
Build the Outer Wing Panel.............. 14
Join the Wing Panels ...................... 15
Build the Inner Wing Panel .............. 20
Build the Outer Wing Panel.............. 26
Join the Wing Panels ...................... 28
Install Aileron Servos ...................... 30
Install Flap Torque Rods.................. 32
Aileron / Flap Assembly .................. 33
FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY ................ 34
Assemble Fuselage Sides .............. 34
Frame-up the Fuselage .................. 35
Assemble the Cockpit/Canopy ........ 39
FINAL ASSEMBLY ........................ 41
Balance the Airplane Laterally ........ 41
Mount the Tail Surfaces .................. 42
Final Sanding .................................. 43
Covering .......................................... 43
Checking for Warps ........................ 43
Hinge the Control Surfaces.............. 44
Install Radio Gear ............................ 44
Install The Spoilers .......................... 47
Control Throws ................................ 47
Control Surface Mixing .................... 47
Balance The Model .......................... 47
Final Hookups and Checks .............. 48
PRE-FLIGHT.................................... 48
Charge the Batteries ........................ 48
Find a Safe Place to Fly.................... 48
Range Check Your Radio ................ 49
AMA Safety Code............................ 49
General ............................................ 49
Radio Control.................................... 49
FLYING ............................................ 49
Trim Flights ...................................... 49
Your First Hi-Start Launch ................ 50
First Flights ...................................... 50
CROW MIXING ................................ 51
Launching ........................................ 51
Flying ................................................ 51
Landing ............................................ 51
THERMAL FLYING.......................... 51
Facts About Thermals ...................... 51
Thermal Soaring .............................. 52
Pointers for Contest Flying .............. 53
SLOPE SOARING............................ 53
Flying ................................................ 53
Slope Landings ................................ 54
BALLASTING .................................. 54
BUILDING NOTES .......................... 54
PARTS LIST .................................... 55
2-VIEW DRAWING .......................... 56