Connecting and activating terminals in software – FingerTec DiGiTime (OEM) User Manual
Page 6

Note: The password box
will not pop up if you did
not insert any password
during the setup process.
Step 11
: In “Password”
column, insert the ad-
to protect access to the
In “Retype” column, type
again the same password
to reconfirm.
Password is an optional
field. You can ignore it if
you have any other facili-
ties to guard your compu-
In the “Company” column, insert the company name, which will be published in all reports. You
may fill in the name of the administrator and his email address.
Please select the country where your company is located. Click “Next” to proceed. This is an
optional page and you can ignore all information by clicking “Next”.
Step 12:
Click “Finish” to end the software setup. A welcome message will prompt to inform
you that the setup is completed. Click “OK” to accept.
Step 13:
Software will start
automatically. Insert the ad-
ministrator’s password to
login into the software.
Connecting and Activating Terminals in Software
The connection between the software and terminals is crucial to make the software works. If the
connection failed, the software cannot be initiated. You must have software product key, soft-
ware activation key and serial number of the terminal to connect the software to the terminals.
Information is printed on the genuine sticker.
Step 1:
When the software is initiated for the first time, a page will pop up.
Follow the steps below:
[1] Insert the ID
• Each terminal ID must be unique for the software to accept new terminal.
• The numbers must be between 1-999 and it must match the number in the Communica-
tion Option in the terminal.