A solve precautions, E-93 – Casio fx-5800P User Manual

Page 94

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(This displays the value assignment screen.)

Assign 0 to Y:


Assign 1 to A:


Input an initial value for X (Here, input 1):


Assign –2 to B:


Specify the variable you want to solve for:


(Here we want to solve for X, so move the highlighting to X.)

Solve the equation:


• Press

E to return to the value assignment screen. Then you can assign different values

to the variables, change the initial value, and solve again.

• An error message (Can’t Solve) will appear if SOLVE is unable to solve the equation.


• If natural display is selected for the calculator’s display format, the value assignment

screen shows only one variable at a time.

• Use

c and f to move the highlighting between variables and select the one you want

to input.

A Scrolling the Equation on the Value Assignment Screen

If an equation is too long to fi t on the variable assignment screen, you can scroll it left and
right to bring other parts of it into view. To enable scrolling, press


Use the

e and d keys to scroll the equation right and left.

To return the equation to its initial view after scrolling, press


A SOLVE Precautions

• Depending on the initial value you input for the equation, SOLVE may not be able to

produce a solution. If this happens, input a different initial value that you estimate is close
to the actual value of the variable you are solving for, and try again.

• SOLVE may not be able to produce a solution for an equation, even though one actually
