Random number functions, A non-sequential random numbers (decimal values), A sequential random numbers (decimal values) – Casio fx-5800P User Manual

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Random Number Functions

Your calculator comes with functions for generating ten-digit non-sequential random
numbers, ten-digit sequential random numbers, or random integers within a specifi c range.
The following are the random number generation functions.

Ran#, RanInt#(

A Non-sequential Random Numbers (Decimal Values)

The following generates ten-digit non-sequential fractional numbers in the range of 0 to 1.

Syntax: Ran#

Example: To generate ten-digit non-sequential random numbers


z – {MATH} 6(Ran#)E



The above values are provided for example only. The actual values produced

by your calculator for this function will be different.

A Sequential Random Numbers (Decimal Values)

In this case, ten-digit sequential random numbers are generated in the range of 0 to 1 in
accordance with nine sequences numbered from 1 through 9. The sequence is specifi ed by
the integer argument (1 through 9) of Ran#. The random numbers generated in accordance
with the argument are generated in a fi xed sequence.

Syntax: Ran#{


} (


is an integer from 1 to 9.)

Example: To generate sequential random numbers


Initialize the sequence:

z – {MATH} 6(Ran#)0E