Command reference, Program commands, A deleting all programs – Casio fx-5800P User Manual

Page 114: A basic operation commands, E-113

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To delete a program with this run mode:

Display this screen:


Prog Delete fi le menu


Fmla Delete fi le menu

3. Use

c and f to move the highlighting to the name of the program you want to delete

and then press


• This will cause the “Delete File?” confi rmation message to appear.

4. To delete the specifi ed program, press

E(Yes). To cancel the operation without deleting

anything, press


A Deleting All Programs

1. Press

N5(PROG) 4(DELETE)2(All Files).

• This will cause the “Delete All Files?” confi rmation message to appear.

2. To delete all programs currently stored in calculator memory, press

E(Yes). To cancel

the operation without deleting anything, press


Command Reference

This section provides details on each of the commands that you can use in programs.


• When you see in a command syntax, it specifi es any variable from A to Z, or

an array (like Z[5]).

• When inputting commands on the program editing screen, you can use a newline symbol


_) or output command ( ^) in place of any separator code (:) within a syntax or example.

To input a character into the program editing screen, press


• Except for the separator code (:) and output command (

^), none of the commands

explained in this reference can be input into a program (user formula) that uses Formula
as the run mode. For information about creating a user formula, see “User Formulas” on
page 102.


Program Commands

There are two types of program commands: Those you input from the menu that appears
when you select

z – {PROG}, and those you input using key operations: separator code

(:) (

1!), output command ( ^) ( 1x), and Prog ( 1/). This section provides

details for each program command.


“(COMP)” to the right of a command name indicates a command that can be input only into
a program that uses COMP as the run mode or onto the COMP Mode calculation screen
(while linear display is selected as the display format).

A Basic Operation Commands

: (Separator Code)




: : ... :


Separates statements. Does not stop program execution.