Finding the location of an error, E-21 – Casio fx-5800P User Manual

Page 22

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Finding the Location of an Error

If your calculation expression is incorrect, an error message will appear on the display
when you press

E to execute it. Pressing the J, d, or e key after an error message

appears will cause the cursor to jump to the location in your calculation that caused the
error so you can correct it.

Example: When you input 14 ч 0 Ч 2 = instead of 14 ч 5 Ч 2 =

(The following examples use the insert mode.)



J (or e, d)

Location of Error



• Instead of pressing

J, e or d while an error message is displayed to fi nd the

location of the error, you could also press

o to clear the calculation.

Displaying Decimal Results while
Natural Display is Selected as the
Display Format


E to execute a calculation while natural display is selected will display the result

in natural format. Pressing

1E will execute the calculation and display the result in

decimal format.

To display the result in this format:

Perform this key operation:

Natural Format


Decimal Format



When linear display is selected as the display format, execution of a calculation is always
displayed in linear (decimal) format, regardless of whether you press

E or 1E.