E-133 – Casio fx-5800P User Manual

Page 134

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Error Message




• An intermediate or the fi nal result

of the calculation falls outside of
the allowable calculation range.

• An input value is outside the

allowable input range.

• You are trying to perform an illegal

mathematical operation (such as
division by zero).

• You input a complex number as an

argument of a function.

• Check your input values and

reduce the number of digits, if

• When using independent memory

or a variable as the argument
of a function, make sure that
the memory or variable value is
within the allowable range for the

• Complex numbers cannot be used

as arguments of trigonometric
functions and other functions.
Change the argument to a real


• The calculation has causes the

capacity of the numeric stack
or the command stack to be

• The calculation includes more

than 10 matrices.

• Simplify the calculation expression

so it does not exceed the capacity
of the stacks.

• Try splitting the calculation into

two or more parts.

Syntax ERROR

• The syntax of the calculation

expression is wrong.

• Check the syntax and make the

required corrections.

Argument ERROR

• The calculation is using the wrong


• Check how arguments are being

used and make the required

Dimension ERROR • The matrix used in a calculation

does not contain anything.

• You are trying to perform an

addition or other operation
with two matrices of different
dimensions, or some other illegal
matrix operation.

• Change the matrix to one that

contains data.

• Check the matrices and make

sure they are within the limits
for the type of calculation being

Can’t Solve

• SOLVE (page 92) could not obtain

a solution. (Example: X = X + 1)

• Check the equation to make sure it

does not contain any errors.

• Input an initial value that is close to

the solution and try again.

Time Out

• Integration or differential calculation

executed, but the solution does not
satisfy end conditions.

• Increase the


value to loosen the

solution conditions and try again.
Solution precision will be lower in
this case.

• In the case of differentiation of a

trigonometric function, select Rad
for the angle unit.